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到 2030 年,火电将主导俄罗斯的动力布局

2022-11-17 09:48:43 作者:人模狗样 "、
相关解读到 2030 年,火电将主导俄罗斯的能源结构


这是依据数据和阐发公司 GlobalData 的最新陈诉得出的,该陈诉指出,到 2030 年,火电估计将在俄罗斯发电布局中据有最大份额,到达 57.8%。

依据 GlobalData 的陈诉《2030 年俄罗斯电力市场瞻望,2021 年更新-市场趋向、法例和竞争格式》,俄罗斯大量的自然气和煤炭储备使该国阔别可再生能源发电。

GlobalData 电力阐发师 Rohit Ravetkar 表现:“到 2030 年,可再生能源发电将仅占 1.2% 的份额。便宜传统能源的可用性意味着可再生能源并不是优先事变。究竟上,俄罗斯拥有天下上最大的已探来日诰日然气储量和第二大煤炭储量。”

Ravetkar 陆续说道:“这种迟钝的技能转型是俄罗斯电力部分面对的重要挑衅之一。比方,现在天下近一半的火力发电厂是在 1980 年月之前投产的。别的,自苏联崩溃以来,为这些工场提供设置装备摆设的工场没有举行任何当代化改革,这意味着该国大多数电厂的运行服从都很低。

依据 Ravetkar 的说法,急迫必要翻新老化的工场和底子办法,这制造了一个重​大的投资时机,格外是对付为火力发电厂提供更新的节能技能和污染操纵设置装备摆设的外国公司。


The slow growth of renewable technology in Russia means the country will continue to significantly depend on thermal sources for power generation.

This is according to data and analytics company GlobalData’s latest report that notes thermal power is expected to have the largest share in Russia’s power generation mix by 2030, with a 57.8% share.

According to GlobalData’s report, Russia Power Market Outlook to 2030, Update 2021 – Market Trends, Regulations, and Competitive Landscape, Russia’s large reserves of natural gas and coal have kept the country away from embracing renewable sources for power generation.

Rohit Ravetkar, Power Analyst at GlobalData, says: “In 2030, power generation from renewables will contribute a share of only 1.2%. The availability of cheap conventional energy sources has meant renewable just hasn’t been a priority. In fact, Russia has the world’s largest proven natural gas reserves and the second-largest coal reserves.”

Ravetkar continues: “This slow pace of technological transition is one of the major challenges of the Russian power sector. For example, nearly half of the current thermal power plants in the country were commissioned before the 1980s. Further, the factories that supplied equipment to these plants have not seen any modernization since the fall of the Soviet Union, which now means that most of the power plants in the country are functioning at low efficiency.

According to Ravetkar, there is an urgent need to refurbish ageing plants and infrastructure and this creates a significant investment opportunity, specifically for foreign companies supplying newer energy-efficient technology and pollution-control equipment for thermal power generation plants.
