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2022-11-17 09:48:48 作者:唯独是你


振华煤油(Zhenhua Oil)是利基自然气入口商之一,估计将与民营企业新奥团体(ENN Group)和管道自然气分销商广州燃气(Guangzhou gas)等公司一道,引领下一波终端扩建海潮。中国正加大对低碳燃料替换煤炭的利用。


2020 年,江苏是中国最大的自然气消耗省,用宇量为 307 亿立方米,略低于中国总量的 10%。



消息人士称,国信估计将持有拟合股企业的 61%、振华 34% ,洋口港务局剩余 5% 的股份。


消息人士称,在第一阶段的投资估量凌驾60亿元人民币(9.2884亿美元),互助同伴将建筑三个 200,000 立方米的储罐,年处置惩罚本领为 300 万吨。


振华是中国国有煤油公司中最小的一家,在阿布扎比、埃及和哈萨克斯坦生产煤油和自然气的公司,于 2018 年年中建立了液化自然气部分,今后一向是超寒气的活泼现货生意业务商。

它是最早博得拍卖利用国有煤油和自然气巨擘中海油运营的自然气终真个生意业务商之一,自 2019 年以来,其液化自然气业务额翻了一番,本年已凌驾 150 万吨。

江苏现在只有两个液化自然气吸收站可以或许每年处置惩罚 950 万吨液化自然气入口,是华南第二大自然气消耗国广东的一半。


China’s Zhenhua Oil is in advanced discussions to join a provincial government-backed firm to build a natural gas receiving terminal in east China, the first import facility the state-run trader will own a stake in.

Zhenhua Oil is one of the niche gas importers expected to lead the next wave of terminal expansions along with companies like privately-run ENN Group and piped gas distributor Guangzhou Gas as China boosts use of the lower-carbon fuel to replace coal.

A unit of state defense giant Norinco Group, Zhenhua is finalising a joint venture with Jiangsu Guoxin Investment Group, a firm backed by provincial government that owns gas pipelines, for the terminal investment, said the sources.

Jiangsu was China’s top gas consuming province in 2020 with 30.7 billion cubic meters used, just under 10% of China’s total.

The sources declined to be named as the matter is not public.

“The (proposed) JV marries the strength of Guoxin as a provincial pipeline operator in a top gas consuming region and Zhenhua as an experienced trader with oil and gas assets globally,” said one of sources who has direct knowledge of the matter.

Guoxin is expected to take 61% stake in the proposed venture, Zhenhua 34%, and port authorities of Yangkou the remaining 5%, said the source.

Zhenhua did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Guoxin’s LNG subsidiary did not respond to an email seeking comment.

Under phase one of the investment estimated at over 6 billion yuan ($928.84 million), the partners will build three 200,000 cubic meter tanks with annual handling capacity of 3 million tonnes, said the sources.

Construction began in June at the man-made island of Yangguangdao in Rudong county, and is slated for completion by the end of 2023, the sources added.

The smallest among China’s state-run oil and companies producing oil and gas in Abu Dhabi, Egypt and Kazakhstan, Zhenhua set up its LNG department in mid-2018 and has since been an active spot trader of the super-chilled gas.

It’s one of the earliest traders that won auctions to use gas terminals operated by state oil and gas major CNOOC, and has doubled its LNG turnover since 2019 to reach over 1.5 million tonnes this year.

Jiangsu currently has only two LNG terminals able to handle 9.5 million tonnes of LNG imports a year, half the capacity of south China’s Guangdong
